Fetus taste smell mother what eat during pregnancy

According to a study by French researchers from the National Center for Scientific Research that fetal taste smell mother Mataklh during pregnancy.

The team of researchers tested under the supervision of Benoit shawl (European Centre for Taste Sciences in Dijon) reaction 24 children newborn direction of star anise, which addressed some of the mothers during pregnancy.
According to the study published in the Journal (New Scientist) who were divided into two groups immediately after birth and then four to test their inclination and alienated from the smell.
And showed children whose mothers took feverfew during pregnancy a clear tendency to smell while others appeared averse or promise indifference.
The researchers considered that the study constitutes the first clear evidence that the mother affect her unborn child's tendency to certain Raúhat.
They added that these findings can contribute to the study to get used to certain foods, which can grow to the fetus before birth.
What proves that one of pregnant women have to drink castor a drink laxative and after hours you notice means slimy green color companion of water that comes out an hour of birth hurried to the hospital and after the disclosure told her doctor that this drink make the child easy in his mother's womb, even if left to the latest bad thing, forcing him to being practical.

Problems of obesity in children

You must learn your child good eating habits that will last him a lifetime and that resist the tendency to display and you can help your child make the desired slimming by doing the following:

_ Not to encourage the child to miss any of the three basic meals.

_ Encourage the child to drink a glass of water before meals.

_ Provide less food for the child.

_ Aqtrahi your child chew food slowly.

_ Feet of the second type of food after waiting child for ten minutes after ingestion of the first type.

_ Do not buy snacks high-calorie potato Kriqaúq or candy.

_ Buy a few drinks, sugar, fresh fruit and vegetables and Ajaliha available at home.

_ Leave calorie foods low only on the table in the house such as fruits fresh.

_ Amenaih dining room during the curfew or watching TV.

_ Encourage him to sports like riding a bike.

_leave him to  uses peace instead of using the elevator.

Bad advice

Many are grandparents experiences and tips neighbors and relatives donate to cast a small mother once put her hand, and perhaps even before that place during the last months of pregnancy, and may lead many of these tips to problems for the child later.

The first of these bad advice

Is to give the child water sweetened with sugar immediately after birth,

While doctors and nutritionists stress the need to develop a child on the mother's chest after the third hour after birth, whether natural or caesarean birth, and even if the mother is under the influence of the drug after cesarean section;

Because the liquid that comes out of the mother's breast at this time, and which is characterized by its color is yellow and lasts for three days after birth protects the child if eaten with its resistant materials to face life that came to the child after he was in the womb of his mother in the perfect temperature and factors ideal life Rahman made the Almighty,

After three days begins the descent milk normal the mother's breast, if I give the child water sugared instead of this food has exposed a lot of health problems that protected them, in addition to that the child not be formatted for such food nor absorbed talked to him some problems.

It is this wrong habits also suffered by the child in the pre-weaning

- Also emphasizes Dr. Magdi fair head expert and consultant nutrition education -

Giving the child a drink anise or Aletilio before sleeping on the grounds that it will help him to sleep quietly and will prevent him may feel (colic) or abdominal pain,

The fact that the treatment of colic that baby sleeps on his stomach for a while if colic due to a natural gas graduated,

If because of the need for medical treatment will not succeed these drinks to be cured,

Along that giving children these drinks at night Stahramh of feed night, which is the most important feeds by the child as it contains a greater proportion of fat than are present in the feedings day, giving the child a great advantage and activates the work of the nervous system, brain and body hormones Vinam Phnom quiet.

Ideal food:

Nutrition scientists confirms that no child should be eating until the fifth month is breast milk only, and every time the child is asked his mother's breast, as long as the mother breastfeeds her child properly enough,

The correct measure of breast adequate child to sleep after every feed it indicates the adequacy of milk,

In order to get the mother to this outcome must deal with two cups of milk a day with a spoonful of (fenugreek), ground and adequate amounts of fluids and fresh fruit and vegetables,

And must weigh up the child after 6 months from birth to about 7.5 kilograms, and is known that the weight of the child at birth ranges from 3 to 3.5 kilograms.

Before weaning:

It is well known that the child is not weaned (separated) before the end of the second year of the verse: (and weaning in two years),

But with the beginning of the sixth month, or shortly before advised that deals with child water in addition to meals complementary beside breastfeeding mother, during the period of the sixth month until the end of the first year should be organized child nutrition, so that gets four additional meals with three feedings only from mother On specific dates, the first in the morning, and the second at noon, and the third before going to sleep in the evening.

Nor should the mother responds to her child if requested breastfeeding in these times so give him the opportunity for complementary meals

- As advised by Dr. Magdi fair -

The dates of these meals are

First at eight in the morning and the second at eleven pm and the third at six o'clock in the evening, and the last eleven at night,

A difference of 5 hours between each meal and another until the child is given the opportunity to digest and absorb food properly;

But this should not give the child anything else in the dates of these meals; because in this case prevent him from eating his meals full core, a child does not eat unless he was hungry, and will not go hungry unless the empty stomach.

The first meal contains

Liquid egg yolk, or extruded and dissolved in two tablespoons of milk, it should not be rigid so as not to stick to the top of the baby's mouth and is difficult for him to eat,

This meal supplies baby animal protein and a percentage of vitamin A called vitamin growth, in addition to elemental iron.

The second meal

Could be "Pudding", which is about one teaspoon sugar and one tablespoon starch and a cup of milk, where melted sugar with the milk and put on the fire to boil, then add the starch after melted in water and stir with milk over low heat, then remove from heat and leave to cool,

This meal will provide the child with energy and materials calcium necessary for the emergence of teeth, showing the first baby teeth starting from the end of the sixth month, in addition to protein and vitamin A, which helps the child to grow and bone formation.

The third meal

The phrase for soup vegetables variety boiled and refinery completely, with the addition of two of lemon and a very small amount is very salt, and covered the child warm, not are hot, nor cold; to be taste desirable for the child and can consist of carrots and potatoes, peas, beans, zucchini and celery and if there is no Celery can add parsley, taking into account not increase the proportion of carrots and potatoes until the child does not get constipated, and be all these added in small quantities to eat fresh baby.

And a fourth meal

A winter orange juice, or guava juice or tomato juice in the summer in the absence of oranges, until he gets on the needs of the child of vitamin c; strengthens the immune system and protects the body from disease.

As is advised to eat using a spoon and cup and the dish,

And not used (Albeprunat or Altiinat), has called for the World Health Organization to prevent their use for more than ten years; they make the child gets used to the holes wide for nipples the bottle and tired holes narrow nipple breast so as not to exert effort in the process of sucking or suction, and breast milk is the feeding ideal which must continue until the end of the second year of the child's age next to the food supplement.

Grains and liver in the seventh:

Of the seventh month is added for four meals some new nutrients,

In the second meal

Can make rice milk instead of starch and milk only; because the child at this stage can handle grain, taking into account that the total rice equator,

The third meal

Can be added with the vegetables, liver chicken or rabbit liver (bearing in mind that the color red and shiny surface, and free of any greasy pools or blue spots in order to ensure that the liver intact) at least twice a week;

They provide the child an amount of protein and vitamin A needed for building cells because the child at this stage growing rapidly, in addition to iron, bringing the rate of hemoglobin in the blood of children, noting that climbing liver with vegetables and drain them after being hit in a blender or mash well with a fork



Eating women to pills containing hormones, remains one of the thorny medical issues that are still under discussion and scientific research for more than fifty years. The new study researchers at the University of "Aberdeen" in the UK, right, and one of the largest and broadest scientific studies that have been made about the effects of long and medium term to address women hormonal pills to prevent pregnancy. 
Surprisingly the results is reaching to the contrary to the majority of common negative beliefs around. They found that women who intake have unexpected opportunities to live a longer period of time than those who do not intake, and Mstkhaddmadtha less likely to die of heart disease and cancer diseases, also compared to those who do not intake. 
Indeed, there is a long history of give and take, events and objections and successes at the scientific level, medical and social, since just start thinking medical researchers for a way pharmaceutical prevent chances of getting pregnant in the early last century, and even our access to the emergence and spread availability of different types of these pills for consumers today in every around the world. 
He needs to show the understanding and knowledge of aspects related to chronological to appear and spread, and components, and how they work, and their impacts future, and great uncertainty about the safety addressed, and controls described and consumption, and other aspects that do not need to know married women only, but the general women and men. 
Study reassuring 
The study doctors from the University of "Aberdeen" in Scotland in the United Kingdom, and breeding humans Science Department of the British Council for Research, was reassuring in its results for the whole million users of the pill, and their husbands. Importantly, however, that no direct relationship between taking these pills and the risk of premature death, compared with those who do not intake.
Said Dr. Richard Anderson, a member of the British Research Council that «the results of this study reassuring galore, which explicitly assumes that the long-term health benefits to be addressed to overcome any potential risks due to use. 
According to what was published in the British medical journal BMJ, the researchers under the supervision of Dr. Philip Hannaford, the follow-up to 46 thousand women for 40 years. And specifically the study began since 1968, after nearly six years from the start of the spread of eating cereal in the world. And concluded that reaches the pill have a lower risk of death due to heart disease, cancer and other causes, compared with those who never intake throughout their lives. 
In particular, affect these results reassuring those women who drank in the past the primary types of pills. It is known that the pills containing hormones gone through several stages of production. And often feared in the medical community that the species that were available in the sixties and seventies, and that they contain the highest amounts of female hormones, possibly long-term damage left on Mstkhaddmadtha, compared to newer species and at least in the content of the female hormones. 
So Dr. Hannaford commented that many women, especially ate for several years that the first generations of hormonal contraceptive pills, can Tmonthen the results of this study. 
Although the study noted that the pill is still dangerous to smokers, and who at the age of less than forty-fifth, the researchers said the effects on young children disappear after ten years, but the benefits covered by the older women outweigh the disadvantages or risks. 
Other therapeutic benefits 
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG, issued in January (January) last «Bulletin exercise» New on areas to take advantage of the pill, in non-work areas to prevent pregnancy. She noted that in addition to preventing pregnancy, hormonal pills that are useful in the treatment of disorders related to the menstrual cycle and menstruation, such as severe pain associated with menstruation, heavy bleeding of menstruation. 
The bulletin added that: a pill containing the hormone progesterone progesterone and estrogen estrogen, and two lowers the risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer. Another potential benefits to be addressed is to prevent migraine headaches (migraine) migraine that comes with the onset of menstruation. As well as in the treatment of pelvic pain caused by disease «endometrial migratory endometriosis. And address, also, the severity of menstrual bleeding associated with the cases and presence Tlevat uterus uterine fibroids. 
Said Dr. Robert Reid, head of the scientific team that put bulletin: «teaches doctors several years ago that the pill have health benefits beyond the ability to prevent pregnancy. The new guidance contained in Bulletin carefully examined the scientific evidence supporting the use of birth control pills in various therapeutic situations, which have nothing to do with the achievement of contraception. 
He added that the hormonal contraceptive pills that contain a combination of hormones, effective in restoring balance to the unrest plaguing irregular times of the menstrual cycle, and in cases of disorders that appear on the women prior to the onset of menstruation. In reduce the appearance of acne, and in preventing the menstrual cycles of women during the days that do not want women to get them, such as travel days or holidays or wedding or honeymoon. 
 Grain cancer and injuries 
And as indicated by the scientific literature of modern complex American Cancer, the causes concerns medical about the chances of having a relationship pill diseases cancer, due to that there is the types of injuries cancer directly related, in appearance and growth and spread, by hormones in the body. This applies to women and men. It also prostate cancer in men linked to androgen, the cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus, which are also related to female hormone. 
But just put «possibility» «relationship», positive or negative, does not necessarily mean a relationship «cause and effect between the pill and cancer diseases in women. This scientifically proven over the past years. There is therefore details worthy display when talking about eating those grains and morbidity of cancer, especially that didn some people is to certify direct and automatic for any common remember the negatives, and not listen to any explanation or denial issued by scientific bodies medical neutral and non-profit originally behind the spread of eating those hormonal pills. 
The researchers say the American Society for Cancer: «For breast cancer, it is well known that the risk of breast cancer depends on several factors. And one of them is a natural female hormones in a woman's body. So rise breast cancer peek in women who have attained before the age of 12 years, or have attained menopause arrears, after 55 years of age, or pregnant for the first time after reaching the age of thirty, or who did not become pregnant at all. 
She said that scientific studies that examined the relationship pills with breast cancer, the results were mixed. Including studies reached to get a slight increase in the incidence of breast cancer, and higher among of Eptdin addressed in their twenties, or Be intake in the past five years. But this risk fade after stopping for ten years to deal. And other studies confirmed the findings there is no relationship between the two absolutely. The Assembly therefore does not adopt any opinion firmly in the medical advice for the prevention of breast cancer. 
For ovarian cancer or endometrial cancer, there is absolutely no disagreement between the results of scientific studies which confirmed the benefit of taking the pill in reducing injuries to these two types of cancer. Which confirms adopted the American Society of Oncology. 
The relationship of cervical cancer eating pills It is an indirect relationship. And refers the American Society for the cancer that «human papilloma viruses» human papilloma virus is the direct cause. A virus found in 99% of these cases of cervical cancer. Thus, the relationship pills are in the cause taken up by women in some communities of the world to freedom of sexual practices, and thus increased the likelihood of capturing this virus infection. 
And the relationship of those grains of liver cancer, is the other weak relationship and indirectly. That scientific reviews of the American Academy of cancer observed gravity low to address these injuries grain white women in particular liver cancer. Women with African or Asian assets do not have the possibilities rise. 
Grains and heart disease 
Weight gain, high cholesterol light and high blood pressure, are the three factors associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The pill does not usually lead to disturbances and in these three factors, and therefore not classified peek pill as one of the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. However, it needs to be clarified. 
He says doctors from the Mayo Clinic American modern in their publications: «Many women believe that taking the pill leads to weight gain. But medical studies have shown that they are not. And may cause those pills to increase the amount of water in the body, which gives the feeling of fullness of the breasts and buttocks. 
The impact on the proportion of needs cholesterol the body to be clarified. According to what these doctors say, raises estrogen heavy HDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and is useful in purification of the arteries of cholesterol deposits light harmful LDL. This hormone is also useful in reducing LDL cholesterol light. While lead the hormone Broujestrun in contrast to reverse these effects. And ultimately the effects of the pill on cholesterol is important and do not affect the general health of the women in this aspect. 
The effect on blood pressure needs to be interesting. It may cause a rise in blood pressure, which requires standard procedures periodically if used. And women with high blood pressure in the first place, they use a method of contraception is hormonal taking those pills. And if a woman decides to use however they should monitor the amount of pressure and UPR follow-up set with the doctor. If the cause taken up in the pressure or the inability to adjust the height, and the woman to stop eating. 
The important point is to avoid eating those pills for any reason whatsoever by women who are over the age of 35 years old and are smokers, because it raises the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Though these women want to address them they should stop smoking immediately. 
Therefore, beware of taking these pills is in cases of women with asset factors raise the risk of arterial disease, such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and smoking. 
Pills and menstrual cycle 
Of the things that occupy the minds of women when ingested pills is their effects on the menstrual cycle. And asset re-pill programming menstrual cycle to become regular and lasts 28 days. 
In the first 21 days are pills containing female hormones, which consist gradually layer of living tissue in the lining of the uterus. In the other seven days are pills do not contain any hormones. 
Because during these seven days are not taking hormones, the class created by the lining of the uterus during the previous period start Baltsaqt, which appears in the form of Menstruation. Any like what usually happens in the sequence of events of the menstrual cycle full and regular. 
In contrast, there are types of pill that does not get addressed any exit menstrual blood, no pills to prevent pregnancy and menstruation. Called an extended-cycle pills extended - cycle. The pills contain all days of the menstrual cycle hormones. No these seven grains free of hormones. There are several types available from pills to prevent menstruation and pregnancy. Which can be taken regularly, daily, for 12 months, and on a continuous basis. And what is eaten every day for three months, then be dealt with free of hormones pills for seven days, in order to get through menstruation empties endometrial layer created by it due to hormones during the past three months. 
It is possible for a woman prevent menstruation even when used regular types of pills, other than those that are used to prevent menstruation and pregnancy. And to begin to address a new pill pack immediately after the completion of the pills for 21 days the previous packet. Ie without pills remaining seven days of the menstrual cycle and devoid of hormones. And thus prevent women themselves for fluctuations in the rates of hormones in the body, thus preventing get headaches, pelvic pain and Menstruation and other annoying symptoms. 
But this is possible provided that the quality of the pills are of quality single-phase »monophasic pill containing the same amount of hormones in each pill and drug throughout the first 21 days of the menstrual cycle. To illustrate, there are two types are available from pills, each type «single phase» Advanced explain installed, and there is a type called «three-phase» triphasic pill any content that hormones in the pills first week is different from the second, and the second is different from the third, and the third is different from the week IV. And therefore it is not recommended using the type of pill 'three-phase' to prevent menstruation. 
In fact, there are several circumstances forced women to desire to prevent menstruation, such as travel or wedding or other. Here it is possible to do so for a period not exceeding three months straight. And then given the opportunity to Menstruation for seven days, through the grain eating hormone-free, or simply by not eating any grains from the pack contraceptive drugs. 
Multiple mechanisms of contraceptives 
For several reasons, couples agree in the desire to prevent getting pregnant. And start thinking and doing medical consultancy on the best way to prevent pregnancy and most powerful influential and most appropriate for the health status of the wives. 
There are several ways available to prevent pregnancy. Namely: 
Ways and booking chapter Barrier methods. The goal is to prevent the arrival of sperm to the egg. Examples include condom male condom, female condom female condom, diaphragm slave diaphragm, cervical cap cervical cap, and kill sperm preparations spermicide. 
Hormonal methods Hormonal methods. Aimed at preventing the production of a woman's body for an egg, or make the cervix does not allow Bulog through which sperm into the uterus. It means all have hormones, and is inserted into the body through several outlets. Examples include different types of birth control pills, vaginal ring vaginal ring, and the contraceptive patch contraceptive patch, contraceptive injection contraceptive injection, and a small piece Kalqdab planted under the skin of the upper arm for women contraceptive rod implant. 
Ways IUD implanted in the womb. The objective changes in the ability of the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. And it contains copper or gold, or the amount of hormones. 
Voluntary sterilization methods, such as linking women's fallopian tubes, or vasectomy in men. 
Natural methods of regulation of pregnancy, such as the adoption of the method of calculation for the number of days after menstruation menstrual cycle, or tracking the daily body temperature, or ejaculation outside the vagina. 

 Pregnancy .. The pill 
On women note that they need about two weeks to Badtoagafha taking the pill, in order to begin the process of egg production in the ovary to get. Often gets menstruation after 4 to 6 weeks after you stop taking the pill. And remember that during that period it is possible to get pregnant. 
According to medical sources relevant to the health of pregnancy and childbirth to a preference to delay pregnancy a few months after dropping out of the pill, so just to facilitate the calculation of the start of pregnancy, and set a date of birth so. There is no other reason. The sense that the woman's pregnancy in the first cycle after you stop taking the pill does not mean there is a risk to the fetus or the health of women above what is normally expected during any pregnancy. And specifically the prospects for abortion in the range of 15% like any other pregnancy. 
The delayed menstruation in some women after you stop taking the pill. And perhaps up to three months duration. Here are the women take a pregnancy test, it may be as well. If delayed menstruation for a period of six months, they should see a doctor. 
It is worth noting that women eating the pill does not mean 100% that they may not carry, but only 99%. And then, is not affected by a home pregnancy test, any examination of the urine, or being in the hospital, either urine or blood, to continue taking the pill. The reason is that the analysis of pregnancy monitors the presence of the hormone in the body does not produce only in the event of pregnancy. There is no need to panic or concern for the health of the fetus, if carried a woman who is dealing with the pill. Only required to do is to stop taking the pill and see a doctor. So that in spite of frequent get this, do not mention medical sources definite information about the cause unintentional error in damage to the fetus. However care should be taken to prevent any possibility of even minimal. 
For a course of antibiotics if taking the pill, there are real prospects for contraceptive failure. And surely when you take a drug «Ravambisn» user usually on a limited scale. Any in the treatment of tuberculosis tuberculosis, or what is known as tuberculosis. As for other types of antibiotics, there is little prospect theory to cause dealt with pills in contraceptive failure. There are in fact medical studies to prove it in a practical and realistic.



Blood is the lifeblood upon which most of the functions of the body, and is a viscous liquid red being the blood vessels

And carries food and oxygen and disease resistance factors to all parts of the body as well as the transfer of carbon dioxide from all parts

Body to the lungs to get rid of it.

Any imbalance in the amount of blood or a change in its components has severe effect on human life, and millions of people need blood transfusions each

, Requires some blood during surgery, and others needed after an accident or who suffer from a disease such as cancer, anemia

And sickle cell anemia, or hemophilia.

And consists of a liquid blood cells ...

The fluid is plasma: carrying proteins, hormones, and food and clotting factors, and antibodies, and account for more than half

Blood volume, and swim where cells.

Red blood cells: which accounts for between 40 - 50% of blood volume, and the central role the transport of oxygen to parts of the body and get rid of

Carbon dioxide.

Leukocytes: that play a key role in microbial resistance of between four to ten thousand in cell Almikrolatr


Platelets: numbering 150 thousand to 450 thousand in Almikrolatr which play a major role in blood clotting when the injury occurs.


Why donate blood for cancer patient?

Obvious that the cancer patient needs blood to strongly as the nature of the treatment requires it because chemotherapy or surgical patient loses

Blood cancer strongly during this treatment; If we know, for example, that chemotherapy treatment called blind where it destroys all blood cells

Sound and non-sound, as well as surgical treatment, which loses its blood cancer patient strongly through it, and it is useful to know that the blood

Can not be manufactured or synthesized, there is no place for blood only the human body, hence the time trend to stand strongly for this patient.

What Istvidh donated blood?

The most important thing is the satisfaction of God Almighty, Valmtbura contribute to saving the lives of many people and help bring healing to many

Of patients.

In addition, the donor acquires psychological peace his sense consent of Allah be pleased with him and his contribution to the Adhal happiness to the heart of the Muslim

Bataúh which has no physical reality any price.

Studies have shown that blood donor especially systematic reap many health benefits as a direct result of giving blood, which include:

Increased activity of the bone marrow to produce new supplies of blood.

Increased activity of the circulatory system.

Add to that the donor gets a medical examination to make sure it is free of infectious diseases and after conducting lab tests Home:

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

AIDS and syphilis all completely free of charge and without any charge, in order to donated blood is tested to make sure it is safe to use and verification

Also of its kind.

Who can donate blood?

Most healthy people who are at least 17 years old can donate blood.

In good health and not complain of any symptoms or suffer from a chronic disease.

Weight of not less than 50 kg.

And not less than Alheimujaopin from 13 to 17.5 g in men and from 12 to 14.5 g in women.

Must also be blood pressure ranges from 60/110 to 90/140.

Tachycardia between 50 - 100 beats per minute and not more than body temperature from 37.3 degrees Celsius.

Some people can not donate because of health or other reasons, for example:


Travel to some countries.

Blood pressure is too high, it will check your blood pressure before donating.

If you take certain medications such as: anticoagulants.

You have certain health problems.

Addicts and drug users, and illicit drugs or stimulants that are not prescribed by a doctor.

To have sexual relations is sound.

AIDS patients (HIV), hepatitis viruses, syphilis virus.

Chronic diseases suffered by the patient in the long term, such as diabetes, does not mean you can not donate, you may be able

To donate blood if the health problem under control, and this as prescribed by your doctor, but you should not donate blood if you feel

You will develop a cold or the flu.

Are there any risks to donate blood?

There are no absolutely no risk to donate blood quantity of blood that pull when you donate a small amount estimated 450 Mleilterbhadd maximum, and this

Represent only 8% of the average size of the adult blood and up to 5-6 liters of blood, and is drawing under the supervision of a doctor

Competent to make sure of a person's fitness and ability to donate.

In addition, the tools that are used to draw blood from the donor sterile instruments and had never used before, but do not use

After that never where it is disposed of health through sound.


Begin the process of donating personal interview designed to ensure the safety of donated blood and the patient beneficiary simultaneously with answering questions

And donated inquiries, and this operation is carried out in the strictest confidence to give the donor an opportunity to withdraw from donating blood if he discovered that he is

Appropriate without concern to publish or know any information concerning him before anyone else. And then taken a sample of his blood to make sure of his fitness

Health through a blood test and measuring pressure, pulse, temperature and weight, and if it turns pulling him integrity and one unit of blood

(450 ml) in 8 to 10 minutes and pull at the same time a sample to determine blood type and another to make sure it is free of disease

Infectious (hepatitis ABC) and AIDS, syphilis, and HIV «I & II». The blood donation process takes about 30 minutes.

What should you do before donating blood?

Make sure you feel well, do not donate blood if you feel sick.

Eating breakfast or a good lunch, but avoid eating fatty foods because they can affect some tests performed on blood

Donated to make sure they are safe.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Get good sleep the night before.

You should refrain from smoking for an hour before giving blood and another hour after donating.

What should I do after donating blood?

Immediately after blood donation, you will be asked to sit for a while and drink some water or juice and a meal.

When you leave, do slowly so as not to feel dizzy.

Hours after donating blood you:

Maintaining a bandage on Dhiraekma at least four hours. If you have bleeding after removing the bandage, the pressure on the site and raise your arm

For 3-5 minutes.

Drink plenty of fluids to help replace lost fluids.

Eating foods that contain a lot of iron, such as red meat, fat-free, and raisins, and beans.

Avoid strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting for several hours.

Most people are just fine after donating blood, but if you feel dizzy light, you'll need to lie down for a while, and drinking

Plenty of fluids, and eat some snacks.

If there is bleeding or bruising under the skin, you should put a cold pack on the area periodically during the first 24 hours.

If you feel pain in your arm you take dwelling contains a substance paracetamol and avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen.

How will replace the lost blood body?

The body compensates for lost fluids within 24 hours by fluid abused by the donor, the blood cells are also cells

Renewable terms are compensated white blood cells and platelets within 3-7 days The red blood cells are fully reimbursed in the

Less than a month donation, and you will have to wait 56 days before you can donate blood again.


Delayed menstrual cycle and menopause:

Before we talk about menopausal status we must Nntaraf slightly drawn attention menstruation Links in brief:

Menstrual :

Menstruation: is the process where the separation occurs and the disintegration of the lining of the uterus, endometrial and descend fragmented passing through the cervix and vagina to appear outside the body the menstrual bruised.

The process is controlled menstruation a complex dynamic that is hormonal signals between the brain and genitals, but can telly

First: the pituitary gland in the brain
Second: the ovaries
Third: the psychological state

Occurrence of menstruation is a sign of the maturity of genital mutilation and the beginning of their ability to have children, most women menstruation occurs approximately once a month - except during pregnancy or certain diseases - that phase begins to despair of menstruation when menstruation stops.

Most women starts their menstraul when they reach the age of sixteen, and girls that have exceeded this age without having happens menstruation go to the doctor.

Menstrual cycle is defined as the time between the first day of one menstrual periods and the first day of the period that followed, and the length of the menstrual cycle on average is 28 days, but natural cycles can vary from 21 to 35 days.

Is usually the length of the menstrual cycle constant for a particular woman, but many things can disrupt the session. Menstrual periods vary from woman to natural other They range from 3 to 7 days.

And now we come to the Modana

*** Absence of menstrual periods ***

This case also called the menopause
English called Amenorrhea

Reasons for the delay of the menstrual cycle and menopause:

Can result in the absence of the session on a variety of cases, namely:

1 - and during pregnancy menstruation stops.

2 - can occur temporary breaks in the menstrual cycle because of the diet (diet) measured with very low weight, and women with the case of anorexia nervosa depends completely their menstraul.
And malnutrition leads to reduce and lack of secretion of estrogen and thus stop the process of ovulation.

3 - violent sports or extreme sports training.

4 - high tension.

5 - Use of certain drugs such as corticosteroids, and that leads to upsetting the balance of hormones that control the menstrual leading to a lack of menstruation, and this can impair fertility.
The lead medicines containing cortisone and anti-depressant medication and treatment for cancers of the drugs to stop menstruation.

6 - women approaching menopause menstruation often happens to them the absence of some of menstrual periods.

7 - hormonal disorders such as thyroid deficiency and pituitary tumors and polycystic ovary syndrome can also cause the absence of menstrual periods, as well as the high hormone milk.

8 - pills:
Stop the session when some women as a result of taking these pills and the cycle begins to go down again after stopping the pills from 3 - 6 months.

9 - Breastfeeding:
Some women when breastfeed may stop menstrual cycle.

10 - Obesity

11 - chain-smoking

12 - bags on the ovary and contain pus due to infection germ, where gather pus over ovarian or fallopian tube, or even in the basin-shaped bag appears as a tumor and be a companion to this problem high temperature in severe cases, and disappear when the problem is chronic and also happens pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

* What you should do: -

If you are married and you one absent the menstrual periods, to go back home pregnancy test or go to the doctor for being you a blood test to detect the pregnancy is more accurate
If absent you two terms consecutive and I was sure that you are not pregnant, Vazhba to the doctor and will be you had physically has been testing the blood to assess hormone levels, may be used tests and other drugs to diagnose whether the absence of periods menstrual caused by disorder hormonal last or problems related to levels of the hormone genital .

Treatment: -

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, Changing medications or hormonal disorder treatment, or give compensatory hormonal treatment can restore the menstrual cycle

Risk of neglect in the treatment of the absence of menstruation:

It is important to find the cause of the absence of regular menstrual periods, not only if you want to load and but Tqlli also the risk of uterine cancer and strengthen health, especially the health of bones and heart


 Loss of appetite in children:

This is a very common problem among children, especially between the second and fifth year of age and contribute to the mother without knowing a significant contribution to creating and keeping this problem.
And by showing concern and complaint permanent, often in front of her child to eat is not enough, in many cases, the child complained of continued good health, and may be more weight than they should for his age.
May become the home of all of the busy diets child and his appetite, and everyone is trying to persuade him to eat more than he does, trying so carrots altogether and severity and the threat altogether, and often does not give this effort any result, but perhaps gave the opposite result decreases the appetite baby food.
* Causes loss of appetite:
1. Sense of self and negative.
2. The child is not feeling happy.
3. The children do not enjoy a sufficient share of the sport and fresh air.
4. Treatment of the mother to her child.
5. Or criticizing the child's love for food items provided by his mother.
6. Linking food is happy accident.
7. Mother's insistence that the child eats the amount of food more than he can.
8. Tighten parents on the child to follow table manners as they practice them.
9. Eating sweets and found objects school Palmqcef or the street vendors, such as potato chips and bagasse, etc., and these foods contain synthetic materials spoil the digestion and lead to a feeling of fullness with these foods does not have any nutritional benefits.
10. That the child is suffering from anemia and be the main cause of loss of appetite.
11. Not eating breakfast, even a snack at home.
* Treat anorexia:
Not forced the child to eat the food is the most important reasons for his loss of appetite and for the parents to realize that children different may have different capacity to eat, some eat a lot and some of them eat a little bit, so you should refrain from forcing the child to eat certain types or amounts of food .
The mother must take into account child Preference offers him food items, what he likes and dislikes.
Should allow the child whenever possible to help himself in the process of eating.
Must provide different types of foods for children at an early age.
Preferably not be given to a child something to eat between meals different.
Food must be provided to the child attractive in terms of shape and taste.
Prefer not to address the child's food alone but covered with others.
There are some drugs now available in pharmacies for the treatment of anorexia in children, and you can consult your doctor or pharmacist about these drugs.



Planning meals athletes food:

Should give the thermal energy needed to work the muscles in the body carbohydrate, where fuel is Bdrahh better than protein or fatty material, as a good source of carbohydrates "glycogen" .. an important component for the production of energy, especially in the beginning.

To maintain the water balance and the balance of salts when Riyaillbn. Should give sports need of salt with foods, especially soups. Like soup meat before game or exercise three hours at least and if he felt sports thirst, can be given water before the game about an hour and a half hours until he returns body to the water balance in good time before the game. The consumption of water is very important to reduce dehydration and fatigue and loss of salts.

Not taking stimulants Shortly before the game, as it should minimize the amount of protein in the meal before the game to avoid the issue of urination during the game and the different competitions.

The glycogen in the muscles used in the short term in sports such as throwing and jumping and enemy, the glycogen in the liver with fat will be well placed in situations of violent sport.
And strengthening can visit glycogen stores in the muscle and liver by eating a high carbohydrate diet for several days before competitions.

Required of the continuous hard work eating extra amounts of the vitamin B complex, even maintains the ratio of energy to correct vitamin .. and for the production of energy within the body and the required efficiency.

The vegetarians who rely on vegetables and fruits just beside the grain may not be able to continue long on the exercise of a particular sport.

The process of digestion and absorption of food accompanied by a rise in body temperature about 10 - 20%, so it is best to take into account when planning meals so This is consistent with daily temperature sense that they are lunch (midday) with fewer calories than breakfast or dinner.

Food must be a stock attractive and taste good even helps to open the appetite for sports can eat enough of the food it needs in a match.

Guidelines for athletes

Prefer eating most energy prices as the morning and midday:
D body fuel food in the early hours of the day because it avoids the risk of exhausting sports power after midday, with no cancellation breakfast feeding program
Reduce the chances of eating fatty foods is desired (at breakfast) and eat more food carbohydrates (starchy) desired at breakfast.
Eating most of the calories in the morning reduces the desire to eat fat evening time and this is good for fitness specifications.
Need dinner hours before bedtime and briefly advised the athletes eat large breakfast and lunch moderate and dinner small or eating more than three meals per day during the exercises, In such case, learned from the nutrition program with meals five are small amounts compared with the program three meals so that added snack time forenoon and the other in the afternoon.
Athletes interested in building muscle need to between 3500 - 5000 price each day as needed and according to the weight of the body is distributed as follows:
- Carbohydrate foods from 60 to 70% of total calories,

- And fats from 20 -25%,

- And proteins from 12-15%,

There is no need to eat sweets, chocolate and soft drinks in order to increase calories. Statement are as follows:
Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for muscle activity to be a quick and combustion are found in fruit and honey, cereals, potatoes, rice and bread

Eating carbohydrate-rich diets have important benefits beyond muscle power supply to help athletes avoid eating fatty foods with caveats numerous health and compensation can not afford to lose during exercise, preferably distribute meals throughout the daylight hours as follows:

Eating a meal carbohydrate can decompose quickly in the intestines to the simple sugar (glucose) and this is the first source of energy for the body and the most prominent food useful here: wheat bread (brown) and Corn Flakes (Corn Flex) - maize - baked potatoes oven two hours before the start of the exercise.

At the end of Exercise must supply the body reserves of carbohydrates and only will stop the process of renewal of activity in those muscles and it is recommended meal compensation food immediately after exercise to contain the juices or drinks rich in carbohydrates, such as fresh fruit or fresh fruit juices and biscuits rich wheat in addition to free milk fat to ensure the supply of body carbohydrate fuel.


For athletes, constitute an obstacle in the way of fat build muscle, the body is fat as an energy source in the long run, as the grease storage easier storage proteins, carbohydrates, and this explains why the accumulation of grease around the waist in men overweight.

There are two types of fat: saturated fat and trans fats, and is considered the most fat liquid (vegetable oils) unsaturated generally the fats found in meat, milk and ghee and vegetable Vtkon saturated it harmful to the health of the overall view of the relationship of heart disease and cancer and the best types of oils, oil olives and hot oil, corn oil and slaves Alhamsh.

Exercise is not useful in the conversion of fats to muscle tissue and should the athlete to keep in mind one goal is concentrated in reducing the percentage of fat in the body and the good level RECOMMENDED up from 15 to 25% and put in front of muscle builders these useful tips:

Sports avoid eating French fries, candy, pastries, chocolate and fried food in oil.

When much desire to eat foods rich like junk food sold in public markets is advisable addressed in the early hours of the day, and the sports that are minor changes to the quality of exercise in order to burn calories surplus generated from grease and keep away from food intake fatty in the days Astraanh which is far from aerobics system.

v not exceeding the proportion of fat in the daily diet of 20% of the calories total If calorie daily diet sports around 4000 price the items fatty a source of 800 calories of the total value and this means eating 88 grams of food fatty day, a level normal and healthy for him.

Given the difficulty of digesting proteins in a short time would prefer not to eat protein foods before exercise, as well as not to increase the quantity of meals to build muscle.

Recommends recent research that deals with sports between 1.2 and 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, if the weight of Sports 70 kg it needs to eat 105 grams of protein and this parallels the 12% of calories overall meal food worth four thousand rate.

Preferably the diversification of the sources of protein from food, the body needs to key elements of the protein by a certain amount, but increase it in the body turns to fat in the body and does not lead to building muscles of an athlete and the dismantling of elements and analysis of protein for disposal strain the kidneys.

Sports must organize a successful food plan in line with exercise programs and the type of sport and to take into account the number of days of physical activity weekly, The stages of the exercises you need to resolve and organization and discipline myself to reach the goal attendant diet awareness among athletes. Conclusion provide meals rich in carbohydrates and low-fat proteins with specialized counseling for specialists in the field of food and nutrition.

Example for the perfect meal for a day match
Graded the food program for the players during the preparation period, which extends for two weeks until the day of the match, the day the players needed a specific meal to accept the amendment because of its direct impact on the performance of a player who could be negatively affected by the increase or decrease in the rate of this meal. Includes meal ideal range of different nutrients, taking into account the player's exposure to satiety or hunger from lack of eating!!

This program is based on the factor of time food if game was held, for example, at four o'clock in the afternoon

The breakfast should provide players in the period between the ninth and tenth time any prior game in six hours and the meal, for example, contains a loaf with cheese or beans and salad, with 2 tablespoons honey next to a piece of fruit and a cup of milk and a piece of cake in addition to a glass of fresh juice

After having breakfast keeps players for two hours without eating any foods that multiply in this period of drinking water.

Before the start of the game three or four hours dealing with players and lunch consisting of potatoes boiled or baked potatoes or wetlands with milk and honey, vegetables and cheese next to a pasta dish prepared in a special way. And does not favor eating meat and chicken in this meal because it is difficult to digest and requires a longer time to be converted into energy needed by the player during the match.

During the course of the game players must abide by drinking ample amounts of water or sports drink if a game does not exceed 90 minutes at a rate «100,150 ml each quarter to half an hour.

After the game directly addresses the players meal compensatory carbohydrate-rich quick absorption and protein fat-free, such as dairy-free fat then having dinner after two hours in order to compensate for power loss, which was his in the game and contains meal a sufficient amount of protein «Chicks or meat or fish (a few fat) next to the water, carbohydrates and contribute to this integrated meal to compensate for lost energy and rebuild tissues and reduce fatigue and dehydration.


American Medical reports: incidence and mortality from eating certain energy drinks:

Fears of caffeine concentration

Washington: Hannah Krakor *
Issued «Food and Drug Administration U.S. recent reports of incidents described by a lot of deaths that occurred after the drinks« Monster Energy (Monster Energy), which is a energy drinks. Most of the concern is concentrated on these beverages on high level of caffeine they contain. The following questions and answers about some of the issues raised by these reports:
Mortality and energy drinks

* How did the news of these deaths to the light? - Died Ni Fournier (14 years) from the city of Hagerstown, Maryland suddenly in December (December) the past because of a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia) led to a heart attack, and it turns out they dealt Parwba 'Monster Energy' in two days. In mid-October (October) the past, the Winnie's mother Crosland Fronyi filed a lawsuit against the company «Monster Beverages, headquartered in Corona, California, claiming that the company did not explain the risks associated with eating this mixture.

In the context of a request made by the Foundation «Crosland» under the principle of freedom of information, revealed «Food and Drug Administration» details cases of the other four, in addition to a heart attack is fatal, all said to be linked to a drink «Monster Energy», while the company said that Parwbadtha safe .

Caffeine killer

* How containing energy drinks such as 'Monster Energy' of caffeine? - It's not a huge amount, in fact, Flbh «Monster Energy» size 24 oz (ounce about 29 milliliters) contains on 240 milligrams of caffeine, while containing the cup normal size 8 ounces of coffee fermented at between 90 milligrams and 200 milligrams of caffeine.

* How much caffeine can kill me? - Lethal dose of caffeine ranging from about 5 grams for most adults, meaning that it takes more than 25 cup of coffee to get to that point.

Says Sarah Keregan, a specialist poisons in forensic «University Sam Houston State» in Huntsville, Texas, said that among the reasons that make it easy to avoid death due to caffeine, the symptoms that accompany the early stages of poisoning caffeine - the dizziness, nausea and headaches - be largely unpleasant. For children, the elderly, the dose that causes serious effects probably much less than 5 grams, but the amount is not specified on the face of uncertainty.

* How common death due to caffeine? - It's not common at all, do not appear in the scientific literature only a few cases, although it is possible that there is a lack of reporting of these deaths.

However, the referral to the emergency department for reasons other than lethal on the rise, what between 2005 and 2009 the number of referrals to the emergency department for reasons of drinks energy by 10 times in the United States, but 44 per cent at least of these referrals were due to mixing drinks energy with another substance, such as alcohol.

The amount of caffeine in a box «Monster Energy» may not lead at worst only to a neurological condition excessive for most healthy adults, the Fronyi was suffering from «syndrome Ehlers Danlos» (Ehlers - Danlos syndrome), a genetic disorder caused in the ease of damage blood vessels. Since caffeine dilates blood vessels, this situation may have made them more sensitive to caffeine.

Sensitivity to caffeine

* What circumstances that may make a person sensitive to caffeine?

- Says Rita Redberg, a specialist heart in «University of California, San Francisco» The almost anything makes the heart muscle weaker is just what can increase sensitivity to the effects of caffeine on the heart and blood vessels, The incidence such as obesity and diabetes, which are not associate with normally disorder strikes heart, it could weaken the heart and opens the door for caffeine to increase the speed of his strikes (no heart) to a serious degree.

However, the sensitivity to caffeine is also a feature individual to a large extent, and that, as confirmed Jeff Goldberger, a specialist in physiology electricity cardiologist «Northwestern University in Chicago», showed Review has in 2011 for books that talk about caffeine it is almost impossible to factor in satisfactory consistent linking large doses of caffeine a heart rhythm disorder among ordinary people. Says brands such as 'Monster Energy' It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and persons who suffer from sensitivity to caffeine.

* Why can not energy drinks are subject to regulatory controls? - Is not the prerogative of «Food and Drug Administration only supervision on food and medicine, and because energy drinks are sold as dietary supplements, they are not subject to the requirements imposed on food products that contain caffeine. In the United States, the only non-alcoholic beverages to 71 milligrams of caffeine in the drink, which has a volume of 12 ounces, a concentration of at least about a third of the focus in the drink 'Monster Energy'. Shall not be bound by energy drinks that show on the outside of the box how much caffeine they contain.

* What is also found in energy drinks?

- Are often the addition of taurine and plant Guarana Kmenbhatt, along with other materials, says Keregan Many of these components have not been studied, and «certainly not taught to the extent that you consider a new drug if you begin to describe or sell in the market».
