Loss of appetite in children:

This is a very common problem among children, especially between the second and fifth year of age and contribute to the mother without knowing a significant contribution to creating and keeping this problem.
And by showing concern and complaint permanent, often in front of her child to eat is not enough, in many cases, the child complained of continued good health, and may be more weight than they should for his age.
May become the home of all of the busy diets child and his appetite, and everyone is trying to persuade him to eat more than he does, trying so carrots altogether and severity and the threat altogether, and often does not give this effort any result, but perhaps gave the opposite result decreases the appetite baby food.
* Causes loss of appetite:
1. Sense of self and negative.
2. The child is not feeling happy.
3. The children do not enjoy a sufficient share of the sport and fresh air.
4. Treatment of the mother to her child.
5. Or criticizing the child's love for food items provided by his mother.
6. Linking food is happy accident.
7. Mother's insistence that the child eats the amount of food more than he can.
8. Tighten parents on the child to follow table manners as they practice them.
9. Eating sweets and found objects school Palmqcef or the street vendors, such as potato chips and bagasse, etc., and these foods contain synthetic materials spoil the digestion and lead to a feeling of fullness with these foods does not have any nutritional benefits.
10. That the child is suffering from anemia and be the main cause of loss of appetite.
11. Not eating breakfast, even a snack at home.
* Treat anorexia:
Not forced the child to eat the food is the most important reasons for his loss of appetite and for the parents to realize that children different may have different capacity to eat, some eat a lot and some of them eat a little bit, so you should refrain from forcing the child to eat certain types or amounts of food .
The mother must take into account child Preference offers him food items, what he likes and dislikes.
Should allow the child whenever possible to help himself in the process of eating.
Must provide different types of foods for children at an early age.
Preferably not be given to a child something to eat between meals different.
Food must be provided to the child attractive in terms of shape and taste.
Prefer not to address the child's food alone but covered with others.
There are some drugs now available in pharmacies for the treatment of anorexia in children, and you can consult your doctor or pharmacist about these drugs.


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