Delayed menstrual cycle and menopause:

Before we talk about menopausal status we must Nntaraf slightly drawn attention menstruation Links in brief:

Menstrual :

Menstruation: is the process where the separation occurs and the disintegration of the lining of the uterus, endometrial and descend fragmented passing through the cervix and vagina to appear outside the body the menstrual bruised.

The process is controlled menstruation a complex dynamic that is hormonal signals between the brain and genitals, but can telly

First: the pituitary gland in the brain
Second: the ovaries
Third: the psychological state

Occurrence of menstruation is a sign of the maturity of genital mutilation and the beginning of their ability to have children, most women menstruation occurs approximately once a month - except during pregnancy or certain diseases - that phase begins to despair of menstruation when menstruation stops.

Most women starts their menstraul when they reach the age of sixteen, and girls that have exceeded this age without having happens menstruation go to the doctor.

Menstrual cycle is defined as the time between the first day of one menstrual periods and the first day of the period that followed, and the length of the menstrual cycle on average is 28 days, but natural cycles can vary from 21 to 35 days.

Is usually the length of the menstrual cycle constant for a particular woman, but many things can disrupt the session. Menstrual periods vary from woman to natural other They range from 3 to 7 days.

And now we come to the Modana

*** Absence of menstrual periods ***

This case also called the menopause
English called Amenorrhea

Reasons for the delay of the menstrual cycle and menopause:

Can result in the absence of the session on a variety of cases, namely:

1 - and during pregnancy menstruation stops.

2 - can occur temporary breaks in the menstrual cycle because of the diet (diet) measured with very low weight, and women with the case of anorexia nervosa depends completely their menstraul.
And malnutrition leads to reduce and lack of secretion of estrogen and thus stop the process of ovulation.

3 - violent sports or extreme sports training.

4 - high tension.

5 - Use of certain drugs such as corticosteroids, and that leads to upsetting the balance of hormones that control the menstrual leading to a lack of menstruation, and this can impair fertility.
The lead medicines containing cortisone and anti-depressant medication and treatment for cancers of the drugs to stop menstruation.

6 - women approaching menopause menstruation often happens to them the absence of some of menstrual periods.

7 - hormonal disorders such as thyroid deficiency and pituitary tumors and polycystic ovary syndrome can also cause the absence of menstrual periods, as well as the high hormone milk.

8 - pills:
Stop the session when some women as a result of taking these pills and the cycle begins to go down again after stopping the pills from 3 - 6 months.

9 - Breastfeeding:
Some women when breastfeed may stop menstrual cycle.

10 - Obesity

11 - chain-smoking

12 - bags on the ovary and contain pus due to infection germ, where gather pus over ovarian or fallopian tube, or even in the basin-shaped bag appears as a tumor and be a companion to this problem high temperature in severe cases, and disappear when the problem is chronic and also happens pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

* What you should do: -

If you are married and you one absent the menstrual periods, to go back home pregnancy test or go to the doctor for being you a blood test to detect the pregnancy is more accurate
If absent you two terms consecutive and I was sure that you are not pregnant, Vazhba to the doctor and will be you had physically has been testing the blood to assess hormone levels, may be used tests and other drugs to diagnose whether the absence of periods menstrual caused by disorder hormonal last or problems related to levels of the hormone genital .

Treatment: -

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, Changing medications or hormonal disorder treatment, or give compensatory hormonal treatment can restore the menstrual cycle

Risk of neglect in the treatment of the absence of menstruation:

It is important to find the cause of the absence of regular menstrual periods, not only if you want to load and but Tqlli also the risk of uterine cancer and strengthen health, especially the health of bones and heart


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