Many of us, if not most of us, faced days convulsing in muscle or group of muscles, especially at the level of the legs and feet. It is very painful, especially at night. But, there are ways to avoid cramps, and ways to remedy them.
For sports, a muscle spasm nightmare, not rare to deprive him of winning the competition, or simply stop him from enjoying the exercise of his favorite sports hobby for a while, even if briefly, as well for Embitterment caused by pain in itself. But cramping, annoying at best and painful at worst, not only affects athletes, even if they are more likely than others. Everyone may be involved. And cramping a metaphor for the sudden involuntary contraction, lasts for a limited period, affects muscle or group of muscles, reduce the size by 40 to 50 percent. And provides an understanding of the mechanism arms against him, and combat it more effectively.

When sports, you could get cramping in any of the following four stages:

1 - During the warm-up. But the rarest cases. Valahme aims, originally, to avoid cramping. But, in order to fulfill the purpose, should be gradual.
2 - through sports practice, per se, especially the beginning, where muscle is exposed to sudden and strong pressure.
3 - at the end of practice sports, or if deadline, when the athlete begins to feel tired.
4 - During the break, and restore power to compensate for the effort. This phase, on the whole, come after a few hours of the end of the exercise (or competition), especially during sleep at night. Valjhd lead to absorption of water located between the muscle cells, which in turn leads to raise the concentration of some acids, including acid "panicking" and the acid "Imunek" (or "Citric") in the pores between the cells. The high proportion of those acids, even without any feeling of stress, may cause cramping, "mechanic", has nothing to do with feeling tired or comfort.

- Multiple factors:
But the presence of acids by high concentration, alone, is not enough to injury vasospasm. This is caused by multiple factors, namely:
- The lack of sufficient water in the muscle cells. During the exercise, or competition, forget sports replenish his body with water. The implications of this water shortage, specifically, raising the concentration of acids. Therefore, it is advisable to drink water such as voltage, during, and after.
- Of course, alcohol leads to raise the concentration of those acids. Alcohol extraneous material on the body, which seeks to get rid of them chemically. Chemical reactions require depletion of water resources available, including between the pores of the cells. This explains the feeling severe thirst, unquenchable, among alcohol abusers. It is the repercussions of lack of water, increased concentration of acids, one of the most important factors muscle spasm.
- The loss of sodium and minerals due to sweating. Not be compensated quickly, become "environment-friendly" muscular spasm.

- The acquisition of sports equipment of poor quality, or poorly used, are not compatible with the nature of the installation of the practitioner. For example, often require athletic shoes is carefully selected to make a nocturnal cramps. This also applies to non-athlete, to wear shoes in a narrow or non-conforming to the specifications of his feet. Other examples are: be short tennis racket more than necessary, or consuming too much, and so on.
- Perform movements is measured repeatedly, even though it does not belong to the legs and feet. Movements misconceptions lead to pressure on the lower limbs also, what may lead to Chnjhma, or one of them.
- Neglect of gradual warming, and direct access "the heart of the matter", imposes a sudden effort, in turn leads to pressure on the muscles of the legs, creating ideal conditions for muscle spasm.
- Incomplete fitness. So, should all aspire to practice a sport, before you begin, to take into account the physical readiness, and the selection of the appropriate sport for him, and gradient without hurry and impatience.
In any case, a combination of those mentioned above, or more, involves substantial risk of injury muscle cramp.

It tips recommended by practitioners of sports doctors, in order to avoid as much as possible exposure to cramps, refer to the following:

1 - before practice or athletic competition:

- Commitment to a gradual warm-up period of 20 minutes. Valahme allows the creation of the body to accept the effort to come, and bring vital members and acts on the whole: the heart and circulatory system and mechanism of secretion of hormones and the delivery of the necessary quantities of sugar as energy, and, of course, create muscle and avoids exposure to sudden pressure.
- The use of sports equipment and appropriate shoes, and do not hesitate to inquire, the specialists and sellers of specialty shops, all the right equipment. And not recklessness in the acquisition of equipment and supplies, clothing and footwear. In case of the exercise of cycling, for example, make sure to put the saddle at the right height. As well as with exercise machines in gyms, where you should always choose the situation most rest.
- Anticipate the water needs, and a lot of drinking water high mineral, possibly with the addition of a bit of sugar in anticipation of a loss of power.

2 - during practice or athletic competition:
- Continue to drink water, in the form of small doses, but multiple. And preferably water high metal concentration. He also advises adding some sugar to it.
- A disproportionate effort with fitness, without the stress of the body plus the necessary.
3 - after sports practice or competition:
- Here, too, it is advisable to continue to drink water. At this stage, preferably of carbonated water, rich with "sodium bicarbonate." They had to get rid of the acid "panicking" formed by the effort, which may result in muscle spasm.

* What to do during a convulsion:
If the frequency of cramping, it means there is something wrong with, call your doctor. In normal circumstances, we should follow the following steps during cramp infection, and beyond:
1 - Do not move infected foot or leg sudden movement.
2 - Massage infected muscle quietly and smoothness.
3 - a patient lift gradually and slowly. For example, if the foot is infected drag tip point fingers inward. It should be firm and continuing tension, which requires continuity in constipation fingers foot and screwing them quietly. It is also useful to walk a few steps on the fingertips, on a cold surface.
4 - can also use a soothing ointment, and infected muscle massage massage lightly.
5 - Do not reset voltage quickly, but the commitment of comfort for long enough.
6 - a lot of drinking mineral water, plus sugar.

- Muscle cramping at night:

Suffer some, especially the elderly, pregnant women, cases of nocturnal muscle spasm severe pain. The obtained from time to time, there is no problem. But repeating a pointer to a medical condition, should consult a doctor to be explored. It may be caused by:
- Shortfall in the level of blood veins.
- Vital in metabolism disorders, may be caused by pregnancy, or deficiencies in the urinary system, or lack of sodium or potassium (or both), or taking drugs with DDT "cortisone."
- A lack of access of oxygen to the muscles, for example, due to inflammation of the aorta or shortness of breath.
- Cases of "rheumatic", sore paragraphs, and sciatica, and tight lumbar (lower spine).
- Neurological disorders, and "diabetes alcohol" and renal deficit, and heavy metal poisoning.
- A spinal injury, or spinal cord, or brain.

* Do not work "Marseille soap"?

Drawer some French, who suffer from muscle spasms night, to develop a template of "Marseille soap" original, non-imitator, coated nylon bag, under Bedclothes, on the one hand the lower limbs. Many confirms that the effective way to reduce the cramps at night. The researchers explain that the original traditional recipe for "Marseille soap" includes an article "potash". Since some types of muscle spasm caused by a lack of potassium, it contributes soap to avoid disability, through broadcast metal ions during the night in the middle of the ocean. Dilemma: even if so, how do you get the "Marseille soap" pray in the countries of our region?
The anti-spasm drugs, and affirmed that the only truly effective, are those that include composite "quinine". But the latter involves the effects of potential adverse side, multiple and serious, including sensitivity of the skin, and negative reactions in the level of blood and liver, and trouble sight, hearing ringing in the ear, and suffering from dizziness, headaches, and trouble and pace the heart. So, it is not recommended intakes only in extreme cases, for a limited period.


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