Planning meals athletes food:

Should give the thermal energy needed to work the muscles in the body carbohydrate, where fuel is Bdrahh better than protein or fatty material, as a good source of carbohydrates "glycogen" .. an important component for the production of energy, especially in the beginning.

To maintain the water balance and the balance of salts when Riyaillbn. Should give sports need of salt with foods, especially soups. Like soup meat before game or exercise three hours at least and if he felt sports thirst, can be given water before the game about an hour and a half hours until he returns body to the water balance in good time before the game. The consumption of water is very important to reduce dehydration and fatigue and loss of salts.

Not taking stimulants Shortly before the game, as it should minimize the amount of protein in the meal before the game to avoid the issue of urination during the game and the different competitions.

The glycogen in the muscles used in the short term in sports such as throwing and jumping and enemy, the glycogen in the liver with fat will be well placed in situations of violent sport.
And strengthening can visit glycogen stores in the muscle and liver by eating a high carbohydrate diet for several days before competitions.

Required of the continuous hard work eating extra amounts of the vitamin B complex, even maintains the ratio of energy to correct vitamin .. and for the production of energy within the body and the required efficiency.

The vegetarians who rely on vegetables and fruits just beside the grain may not be able to continue long on the exercise of a particular sport.

The process of digestion and absorption of food accompanied by a rise in body temperature about 10 - 20%, so it is best to take into account when planning meals so This is consistent with daily temperature sense that they are lunch (midday) with fewer calories than breakfast or dinner.

Food must be a stock attractive and taste good even helps to open the appetite for sports can eat enough of the food it needs in a match.

Guidelines for athletes

Prefer eating most energy prices as the morning and midday:
D body fuel food in the early hours of the day because it avoids the risk of exhausting sports power after midday, with no cancellation breakfast feeding program
Reduce the chances of eating fatty foods is desired (at breakfast) and eat more food carbohydrates (starchy) desired at breakfast.
Eating most of the calories in the morning reduces the desire to eat fat evening time and this is good for fitness specifications.
Need dinner hours before bedtime and briefly advised the athletes eat large breakfast and lunch moderate and dinner small or eating more than three meals per day during the exercises, In such case, learned from the nutrition program with meals five are small amounts compared with the program three meals so that added snack time forenoon and the other in the afternoon.
Athletes interested in building muscle need to between 3500 - 5000 price each day as needed and according to the weight of the body is distributed as follows:
- Carbohydrate foods from 60 to 70% of total calories,

- And fats from 20 -25%,

- And proteins from 12-15%,

There is no need to eat sweets, chocolate and soft drinks in order to increase calories. Statement are as follows:
Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy for muscle activity to be a quick and combustion are found in fruit and honey, cereals, potatoes, rice and bread

Eating carbohydrate-rich diets have important benefits beyond muscle power supply to help athletes avoid eating fatty foods with caveats numerous health and compensation can not afford to lose during exercise, preferably distribute meals throughout the daylight hours as follows:

Eating a meal carbohydrate can decompose quickly in the intestines to the simple sugar (glucose) and this is the first source of energy for the body and the most prominent food useful here: wheat bread (brown) and Corn Flakes (Corn Flex) - maize - baked potatoes oven two hours before the start of the exercise.

At the end of Exercise must supply the body reserves of carbohydrates and only will stop the process of renewal of activity in those muscles and it is recommended meal compensation food immediately after exercise to contain the juices or drinks rich in carbohydrates, such as fresh fruit or fresh fruit juices and biscuits rich wheat in addition to free milk fat to ensure the supply of body carbohydrate fuel.


For athletes, constitute an obstacle in the way of fat build muscle, the body is fat as an energy source in the long run, as the grease storage easier storage proteins, carbohydrates, and this explains why the accumulation of grease around the waist in men overweight.

There are two types of fat: saturated fat and trans fats, and is considered the most fat liquid (vegetable oils) unsaturated generally the fats found in meat, milk and ghee and vegetable Vtkon saturated it harmful to the health of the overall view of the relationship of heart disease and cancer and the best types of oils, oil olives and hot oil, corn oil and slaves Alhamsh.

Exercise is not useful in the conversion of fats to muscle tissue and should the athlete to keep in mind one goal is concentrated in reducing the percentage of fat in the body and the good level RECOMMENDED up from 15 to 25% and put in front of muscle builders these useful tips:

Sports avoid eating French fries, candy, pastries, chocolate and fried food in oil.

When much desire to eat foods rich like junk food sold in public markets is advisable addressed in the early hours of the day, and the sports that are minor changes to the quality of exercise in order to burn calories surplus generated from grease and keep away from food intake fatty in the days Astraanh which is far from aerobics system.

v not exceeding the proportion of fat in the daily diet of 20% of the calories total If calorie daily diet sports around 4000 price the items fatty a source of 800 calories of the total value and this means eating 88 grams of food fatty day, a level normal and healthy for him.

Given the difficulty of digesting proteins in a short time would prefer not to eat protein foods before exercise, as well as not to increase the quantity of meals to build muscle.

Recommends recent research that deals with sports between 1.2 and 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, if the weight of Sports 70 kg it needs to eat 105 grams of protein and this parallels the 12% of calories overall meal food worth four thousand rate.

Preferably the diversification of the sources of protein from food, the body needs to key elements of the protein by a certain amount, but increase it in the body turns to fat in the body and does not lead to building muscles of an athlete and the dismantling of elements and analysis of protein for disposal strain the kidneys.

Sports must organize a successful food plan in line with exercise programs and the type of sport and to take into account the number of days of physical activity weekly, The stages of the exercises you need to resolve and organization and discipline myself to reach the goal attendant diet awareness among athletes. Conclusion provide meals rich in carbohydrates and low-fat proteins with specialized counseling for specialists in the field of food and nutrition.

Example for the perfect meal for a day match
Graded the food program for the players during the preparation period, which extends for two weeks until the day of the match, the day the players needed a specific meal to accept the amendment because of its direct impact on the performance of a player who could be negatively affected by the increase or decrease in the rate of this meal. Includes meal ideal range of different nutrients, taking into account the player's exposure to satiety or hunger from lack of eating!!

This program is based on the factor of time food if game was held, for example, at four o'clock in the afternoon

The breakfast should provide players in the period between the ninth and tenth time any prior game in six hours and the meal, for example, contains a loaf with cheese or beans and salad, with 2 tablespoons honey next to a piece of fruit and a cup of milk and a piece of cake in addition to a glass of fresh juice

After having breakfast keeps players for two hours without eating any foods that multiply in this period of drinking water.

Before the start of the game three or four hours dealing with players and lunch consisting of potatoes boiled or baked potatoes or wetlands with milk and honey, vegetables and cheese next to a pasta dish prepared in a special way. And does not favor eating meat and chicken in this meal because it is difficult to digest and requires a longer time to be converted into energy needed by the player during the match.

During the course of the game players must abide by drinking ample amounts of water or sports drink if a game does not exceed 90 minutes at a rate «100,150 ml each quarter to half an hour.

After the game directly addresses the players meal compensatory carbohydrate-rich quick absorption and protein fat-free, such as dairy-free fat then having dinner after two hours in order to compensate for power loss, which was his in the game and contains meal a sufficient amount of protein «Chicks or meat or fish (a few fat) next to the water, carbohydrates and contribute to this integrated meal to compensate for lost energy and rebuild tissues and reduce fatigue and dehydration.


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