Reduce weight gain in winter!

That our bodies prone to gain weight in the winter, while the energy levels and burn calories less, the appetite to eat getting ready for winter.

The relationship between eating and appetite in the summer season heats up less appetite and this in turn leads to weight loss. But unfortunately at the present time we spend most of the time in an air-conditioned atmosphere so it does not reap the benefits of hot days.

In the winter looks cold temperatures are responsible for the increased appetite, they are in fact not the main problem, you can be sitting in a warm atmosphere next Madavih At the same time thinking about food. The lack of presence of daylight is why increased appetite and slowing the ability to burn calories in the winter is not only cold temperatures.

Scientists have discovered found grease in the body help to keep the body temperature normal during cold temperatures called grease Asmar and this type of grease over burning more calories than fat regular in the body, but the problem is that the formation of this type of grease requires daylight.

Here are a set of instructions that help you avoid weight gain in winter:

Eat regularly during the day:

With increased appetite for eating and increase the craving for carbohydrates, you should eat regularly every 3-4 hours increases the metabolic rate and burn fat.

To balance the ingredients:

Food must contain adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat to achieve a balance.


Exposure to daylight:

 Lack of exposure to daylight can cause depression and seasonal affective disorder, and thus may increase the proportion of eating therefore tried to spend some time near a bright window near the sun. Medical

                                    By : Younés Mark Mààsghour


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