Blood is the lifeblood upon which most of the functions of the body, and is a viscous liquid red being the blood vessels

And carries food and oxygen and disease resistance factors to all parts of the body as well as the transfer of carbon dioxide from all parts

Body to the lungs to get rid of it.

Any imbalance in the amount of blood or a change in its components has severe effect on human life, and millions of people need blood transfusions each

, Requires some blood during surgery, and others needed after an accident or who suffer from a disease such as cancer, anemia

And sickle cell anemia, or hemophilia.

And consists of a liquid blood cells ...

The fluid is plasma: carrying proteins, hormones, and food and clotting factors, and antibodies, and account for more than half

Blood volume, and swim where cells.

Red blood cells: which accounts for between 40 - 50% of blood volume, and the central role the transport of oxygen to parts of the body and get rid of

Carbon dioxide.

Leukocytes: that play a key role in microbial resistance of between four to ten thousand in cell Almikrolatr


Platelets: numbering 150 thousand to 450 thousand in Almikrolatr which play a major role in blood clotting when the injury occurs.


Why donate blood for cancer patient?

Obvious that the cancer patient needs blood to strongly as the nature of the treatment requires it because chemotherapy or surgical patient loses

Blood cancer strongly during this treatment; If we know, for example, that chemotherapy treatment called blind where it destroys all blood cells

Sound and non-sound, as well as surgical treatment, which loses its blood cancer patient strongly through it, and it is useful to know that the blood

Can not be manufactured or synthesized, there is no place for blood only the human body, hence the time trend to stand strongly for this patient.

What Istvidh donated blood?

The most important thing is the satisfaction of God Almighty, Valmtbura contribute to saving the lives of many people and help bring healing to many

Of patients.

In addition, the donor acquires psychological peace his sense consent of Allah be pleased with him and his contribution to the Adhal happiness to the heart of the Muslim

Bataúh which has no physical reality any price.

Studies have shown that blood donor especially systematic reap many health benefits as a direct result of giving blood, which include:

Increased activity of the bone marrow to produce new supplies of blood.

Increased activity of the circulatory system.

Add to that the donor gets a medical examination to make sure it is free of infectious diseases and after conducting lab tests Home:

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

AIDS and syphilis all completely free of charge and without any charge, in order to donated blood is tested to make sure it is safe to use and verification

Also of its kind.

Who can donate blood?

Most healthy people who are at least 17 years old can donate blood.

In good health and not complain of any symptoms or suffer from a chronic disease.

Weight of not less than 50 kg.

And not less than Alheimujaopin from 13 to 17.5 g in men and from 12 to 14.5 g in women.

Must also be blood pressure ranges from 60/110 to 90/140.

Tachycardia between 50 - 100 beats per minute and not more than body temperature from 37.3 degrees Celsius.

Some people can not donate because of health or other reasons, for example:


Travel to some countries.

Blood pressure is too high, it will check your blood pressure before donating.

If you take certain medications such as: anticoagulants.

You have certain health problems.

Addicts and drug users, and illicit drugs or stimulants that are not prescribed by a doctor.

To have sexual relations is sound.

AIDS patients (HIV), hepatitis viruses, syphilis virus.

Chronic diseases suffered by the patient in the long term, such as diabetes, does not mean you can not donate, you may be able

To donate blood if the health problem under control, and this as prescribed by your doctor, but you should not donate blood if you feel

You will develop a cold or the flu.

Are there any risks to donate blood?

There are no absolutely no risk to donate blood quantity of blood that pull when you donate a small amount estimated 450 Mleilterbhadd maximum, and this

Represent only 8% of the average size of the adult blood and up to 5-6 liters of blood, and is drawing under the supervision of a doctor

Competent to make sure of a person's fitness and ability to donate.

In addition, the tools that are used to draw blood from the donor sterile instruments and had never used before, but do not use

After that never where it is disposed of health through sound.


Begin the process of donating personal interview designed to ensure the safety of donated blood and the patient beneficiary simultaneously with answering questions

And donated inquiries, and this operation is carried out in the strictest confidence to give the donor an opportunity to withdraw from donating blood if he discovered that he is

Appropriate without concern to publish or know any information concerning him before anyone else. And then taken a sample of his blood to make sure of his fitness

Health through a blood test and measuring pressure, pulse, temperature and weight, and if it turns pulling him integrity and one unit of blood

(450 ml) in 8 to 10 minutes and pull at the same time a sample to determine blood type and another to make sure it is free of disease

Infectious (hepatitis ABC) and AIDS, syphilis, and HIV «I & II». The blood donation process takes about 30 minutes.

What should you do before donating blood?

Make sure you feel well, do not donate blood if you feel sick.

Eating breakfast or a good lunch, but avoid eating fatty foods because they can affect some tests performed on blood

Donated to make sure they are safe.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Get good sleep the night before.

You should refrain from smoking for an hour before giving blood and another hour after donating.

What should I do after donating blood?

Immediately after blood donation, you will be asked to sit for a while and drink some water or juice and a meal.

When you leave, do slowly so as not to feel dizzy.

Hours after donating blood you:

Maintaining a bandage on Dhiraekma at least four hours. If you have bleeding after removing the bandage, the pressure on the site and raise your arm

For 3-5 minutes.

Drink plenty of fluids to help replace lost fluids.

Eating foods that contain a lot of iron, such as red meat, fat-free, and raisins, and beans.

Avoid strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting for several hours.

Most people are just fine after donating blood, but if you feel dizzy light, you'll need to lie down for a while, and drinking

Plenty of fluids, and eat some snacks.

If there is bleeding or bruising under the skin, you should put a cold pack on the area periodically during the first 24 hours.

If you feel pain in your arm you take dwelling contains a substance paracetamol and avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen.

How will replace the lost blood body?

The body compensates for lost fluids within 24 hours by fluid abused by the donor, the blood cells are also cells

Renewable terms are compensated white blood cells and platelets within 3-7 days The red blood cells are fully reimbursed in the

Less than a month donation, and you will have to wait 56 days before you can donate blood again.


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