Fetus taste smell mother what eat during pregnancy

According to a study by French researchers from the National Center for Scientific Research that fetal taste smell mother Mataklh during pregnancy.

The team of researchers tested under the supervision of Benoit shawl (European Centre for Taste Sciences in Dijon) reaction 24 children newborn direction of star anise, which addressed some of the mothers during pregnancy.
According to the study published in the Journal (New Scientist) who were divided into two groups immediately after birth and then four to test their inclination and alienated from the smell.
And showed children whose mothers took feverfew during pregnancy a clear tendency to smell while others appeared averse or promise indifference.
The researchers considered that the study constitutes the first clear evidence that the mother affect her unborn child's tendency to certain Raúhat.
They added that these findings can contribute to the study to get used to certain foods, which can grow to the fetus before birth.
What proves that one of pregnant women have to drink castor a drink laxative and after hours you notice means slimy green color companion of water that comes out an hour of birth hurried to the hospital and after the disclosure told her doctor that this drink make the child easy in his mother's womb, even if left to the latest bad thing, forcing him to being practical.

Problems of obesity in children

You must learn your child good eating habits that will last him a lifetime and that resist the tendency to display and you can help your child make the desired slimming by doing the following:

_ Not to encourage the child to miss any of the three basic meals.

_ Encourage the child to drink a glass of water before meals.

_ Provide less food for the child.

_ Aqtrahi your child chew food slowly.

_ Feet of the second type of food after waiting child for ten minutes after ingestion of the first type.

_ Do not buy snacks high-calorie potato Kriqaúq or candy.

_ Buy a few drinks, sugar, fresh fruit and vegetables and Ajaliha available at home.

_ Leave calorie foods low only on the table in the house such as fruits fresh.

_ Amenaih dining room during the curfew or watching TV.

_ Encourage him to sports like riding a bike.

_leave him to  uses peace instead of using the elevator.

Bad advice

Many are grandparents experiences and tips neighbors and relatives donate to cast a small mother once put her hand, and perhaps even before that place during the last months of pregnancy, and may lead many of these tips to problems for the child later.

The first of these bad advice

Is to give the child water sweetened with sugar immediately after birth,

While doctors and nutritionists stress the need to develop a child on the mother's chest after the third hour after birth, whether natural or caesarean birth, and even if the mother is under the influence of the drug after cesarean section;

Because the liquid that comes out of the mother's breast at this time, and which is characterized by its color is yellow and lasts for three days after birth protects the child if eaten with its resistant materials to face life that came to the child after he was in the womb of his mother in the perfect temperature and factors ideal life Rahman made the Almighty,

After three days begins the descent milk normal the mother's breast, if I give the child water sugared instead of this food has exposed a lot of health problems that protected them, in addition to that the child not be formatted for such food nor absorbed talked to him some problems.

It is this wrong habits also suffered by the child in the pre-weaning

- Also emphasizes Dr. Magdi fair head expert and consultant nutrition education -

Giving the child a drink anise or Aletilio before sleeping on the grounds that it will help him to sleep quietly and will prevent him may feel (colic) or abdominal pain,

The fact that the treatment of colic that baby sleeps on his stomach for a while if colic due to a natural gas graduated,

If because of the need for medical treatment will not succeed these drinks to be cured,

Along that giving children these drinks at night Stahramh of feed night, which is the most important feeds by the child as it contains a greater proportion of fat than are present in the feedings day, giving the child a great advantage and activates the work of the nervous system, brain and body hormones Vinam Phnom quiet.

Ideal food:

Nutrition scientists confirms that no child should be eating until the fifth month is breast milk only, and every time the child is asked his mother's breast, as long as the mother breastfeeds her child properly enough,

The correct measure of breast adequate child to sleep after every feed it indicates the adequacy of milk,

In order to get the mother to this outcome must deal with two cups of milk a day with a spoonful of (fenugreek), ground and adequate amounts of fluids and fresh fruit and vegetables,

And must weigh up the child after 6 months from birth to about 7.5 kilograms, and is known that the weight of the child at birth ranges from 3 to 3.5 kilograms.

Before weaning:

It is well known that the child is not weaned (separated) before the end of the second year of the verse: (and weaning in two years),

But with the beginning of the sixth month, or shortly before advised that deals with child water in addition to meals complementary beside breastfeeding mother, during the period of the sixth month until the end of the first year should be organized child nutrition, so that gets four additional meals with three feedings only from mother On specific dates, the first in the morning, and the second at noon, and the third before going to sleep in the evening.

Nor should the mother responds to her child if requested breastfeeding in these times so give him the opportunity for complementary meals

- As advised by Dr. Magdi fair -

The dates of these meals are

First at eight in the morning and the second at eleven pm and the third at six o'clock in the evening, and the last eleven at night,

A difference of 5 hours between each meal and another until the child is given the opportunity to digest and absorb food properly;

But this should not give the child anything else in the dates of these meals; because in this case prevent him from eating his meals full core, a child does not eat unless he was hungry, and will not go hungry unless the empty stomach.

The first meal contains

Liquid egg yolk, or extruded and dissolved in two tablespoons of milk, it should not be rigid so as not to stick to the top of the baby's mouth and is difficult for him to eat,

This meal supplies baby animal protein and a percentage of vitamin A called vitamin growth, in addition to elemental iron.

The second meal

Could be "Pudding", which is about one teaspoon sugar and one tablespoon starch and a cup of milk, where melted sugar with the milk and put on the fire to boil, then add the starch after melted in water and stir with milk over low heat, then remove from heat and leave to cool,

This meal will provide the child with energy and materials calcium necessary for the emergence of teeth, showing the first baby teeth starting from the end of the sixth month, in addition to protein and vitamin A, which helps the child to grow and bone formation.

The third meal

The phrase for soup vegetables variety boiled and refinery completely, with the addition of two of lemon and a very small amount is very salt, and covered the child warm, not are hot, nor cold; to be taste desirable for the child and can consist of carrots and potatoes, peas, beans, zucchini and celery and if there is no Celery can add parsley, taking into account not increase the proportion of carrots and potatoes until the child does not get constipated, and be all these added in small quantities to eat fresh baby.

And a fourth meal

A winter orange juice, or guava juice or tomato juice in the summer in the absence of oranges, until he gets on the needs of the child of vitamin c; strengthens the immune system and protects the body from disease.

As is advised to eat using a spoon and cup and the dish,

And not used (Albeprunat or Altiinat), has called for the World Health Organization to prevent their use for more than ten years; they make the child gets used to the holes wide for nipples the bottle and tired holes narrow nipple breast so as not to exert effort in the process of sucking or suction, and breast milk is the feeding ideal which must continue until the end of the second year of the child's age next to the food supplement.

Grains and liver in the seventh:

Of the seventh month is added for four meals some new nutrients,

In the second meal

Can make rice milk instead of starch and milk only; because the child at this stage can handle grain, taking into account that the total rice equator,

The third meal

Can be added with the vegetables, liver chicken or rabbit liver (bearing in mind that the color red and shiny surface, and free of any greasy pools or blue spots in order to ensure that the liver intact) at least twice a week;

They provide the child an amount of protein and vitamin A needed for building cells because the child at this stage growing rapidly, in addition to iron, bringing the rate of hemoglobin in the blood of children, noting that climbing liver with vegetables and drain them after being hit in a blender or mash well with a fork


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